Incoming: Season 03 Reloaded Midseason Update
Los Vaqueros and the Las Almas Cartel not only rebuild — they also reload.
Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare ® II and Call of Duty®: Warzone™ 2.0 continue Season 03 with a Reloaded midseason update, packed with much-anticipated new experiences such as the debut of Warzone™ 2.0 Ranked Play, the return of a classic tactical Multiplayer mode in Faceoff, and another high-stakes exclusion zone for DMZ hidden somewhere in Al Mazrah…
Oh, and did we mention we have the real MVP as a new Operator?

Expect patch notes prior to the launch of Season 03 Reloaded with further details on all changes. Patch Note updates can be found here.

- Raid Episode 03. Follow Price, Farah, and Alex as they push deeper into the Soviet base in pursuit of Hadir and a missing armament.
- Special Ops Mission: Defender — Hafid Port. Defend against increasingly challenging waves of enemies in Al Mazrah’s Hafid Port.
- Alboran Hatchery 6v6 MP Map. A medium-sized core map experience set on a remote, windswept facility.
- Giant Infection, 3v3 Faceoff. Experience Infected on a massive scale and engage in small team skirmishes with the return of Faceoff.
The Threat Moves Underground in Special Ops Raid Episode 03

After tracking down Alex, Gaz breaks off to establish comms with Laswell and provide exfil. Now Price, Farah, and Alex must push deeper into the Soviet base, descending into a massive pit where they will navigate old train tunnels and electrically charged waters. With Hadir and the missing warhead still on the loose, every minute counts.
Complete Raid Episode 03 to unlock Alex as an Operator, who can be used across Modern Warfare II and Warzone 2.0 online modes. Earn a unique electrified camo by completing Raid Episode 03 on Veteran difficulty. Found in a classified area, another unique weapon camo can be earned during Raid Episode 03.
Special Ops Mission: Defender Comes to Hafid Port

Deploy to Hafid Port in Al Mazrah and take on the cartel’s new operation. It won’t be an easy task: Once you’ve eliminated their first line of defense, you’ll need to dig in and defend against multiple waves of increasingly challenging enemy forces.
Bolster your defenses by visiting the Shop to purchase power-ups like AI Reinforcements, Killstreaks, and the Self-Revive Kit.
Get rewarded with Special Ops Stars for your efforts, which can help level up those Kits and otherwise unlock exclusive items.
New Core Multiplayer Map: Alboran Hatchery

Prepare to drop into Alboran Hatchery, a new 6v6 Multiplayer map set on rolling green hills beneath towering wind farm turbines. Navigate in and around the hatchery’s storage and warehouse facilities in this medium-sized map, utilizing large cover objects to conduct stealth operations around the map, or climb to upper vantage points for a view of the surrounding area. Balance your exposure with intel-gathering, with the best teams combining these tactics for a highly coordinated fight.
Deploy to Alboran Hatchery in featured Playlists throughout Season 03 Reloaded, as well as in the Quick Play map pool. Keep an eye on the Call of Duty blog for the upcoming Alboran Hatchery map guide.

Take Infected to a new level on bigger maps with more players or get ultra-tactical with the debut of 3v3 Faceoff in Modern Warfare II.
Giant Infection

Team up with other survivors against the Infected on larger Battle Maps supporting a greater number of players. As more survivors fall to the horde, you’ll need every bit of firepower to keep from being turned yourself.
If and when you are . . . then let the hunger consume you and cull the living.
Faceoff (3v3)

In 2011, Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3 made a dedicated Multiplayer mode that captured those small-team Cage Match experiences of Rust and Shipment: Faceoff.
Twelve years later, Infinity Ward dug into their history to bring back Faceoff as the ultimate compliment to Gunfight. Want to use your own Loadouts and play modes like Team Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed on Gunfight maps? Then join the Call of Duty veterans who fondly remember Faceoff and celebrate its return with Reloaded.
Expect Faceoff to include all current Gunfight maps, as well as new Gunfight maps once they are released in later seasons.

- Up Your Game with New Features. The midseason update expands your tactical options with Perk Packages plus the Deployable Buy Station and Gulag Entry Kit.
- New DMZ Experience. Take the high risk and earn valuable rewards by entering the Koschei Complex. We hope you’re not afraid of the dark.
- Warzone Ranked Play. Push your skills to the limit in Warzone Ranked Play, featuring competitive settings, a progressive ranking system, and seasonal rewards.
New Features Expand Tactical Opportunities

Battle Royale Operators will have even more tools at their disposal for survival:
Perk Packages: Discover preset Perk Packages in Supply Boxes and at Buy Stations. These offer vital passive benefits for Warzone Operators who have not yet called in their Loadout Drop. Ideal for getting a leg up in the early minutes of the match.
Deployable Buy Station: In critical need of supplies? The Deployable Buy Station has your back. Set it up and resupply without losing your position. This is also available in DMZ.
Gulag Entry Kit: Already fought your way out of the Gulag once? Get your hands on a Gulag Entry Kit for another chance at earning your way back into the match when eliminated.
Go Dark in the New In-Season DMZ Experience: Koschei Complex

“Bravo-6, going dark.” — Captain John Price, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Somewhere in Al Mazrah, an underground Koschei Complex is brewing something that could shift the entire DMZ as we know it.

Operators must find a way to locate one of multiple entrances to this subterranean bunker complex , open it . . . and [[REDACTED]]. Be proactive in adding illumination to your hardware; flashlights might be needed as you venture further into this [[REDACTED]]. Secure NVGs once you’ve reconnoitered the [[REDACTED]], expecting some of the toughest [[REDACTED]] outside of Building 21!

No further intel can be declassified; it will be up to you, the community, to discover the Koschei Complex for yourselves once this underground facility is accessible, during Season 03 Reloaded.
Show What You’re Made of in Warzone Ranked Play (BETA)

On the heels of Multiplayer Ranked Play in Modern Warfare II comes Warzone Ranked Play (BETA), an experience featuring competitive settings, a progressive rank system, a visual skill system, and seasonal rewards, all in the epic Battle Royale setting. This will launch in Season 03 Reloaded in its Beta before it launches in full force in a future season.
Start from Bronze and continue climbing the ranks through winning matches, getting high placements, and earning eliminations through a Skill Rating system tailored for a Battle Royale ranked mode:
- Bronze: 0–899 SR
- Silver: 900–2,099 SR
- Gold: 2,100–3,599 SR
- Platinum: 3,600–5,399 SR
- Diamond: 5,400–7,499 SR
- Crimson: 7,500–9,999 SR
- Iridescent: 10,000 SR minimum
- Top 250: 10,000+ SR (see below)

Your Skill Rating is based on your match performance. Get assists and eliminations, and place high within the match to increase your SR. Entering a match requires a modest SR entry free; see the end-of-match SR summary for a rundown of your SR adjustments. The best of the best will be featured in the Top 250 Skill Division, as well as on a public leaderboard for all to see.
More intel will drop on this new experience tomorrow on May 4, but note that Modern Warfare II Multiplayer Ranked Play and Warzone Ranked Play are separate systems with their own Rank progression.
Reminder: Plunder is Back in Warzone 2.0

If you haven’t already dropped into this mode when it debuted during Season 03, Week 2 of Season 03 Reloaded is a great time to grab that cash and play Plunder, which originally launched with Call of Duty: Warzone.
Plunder turns up the heat on the traditional Battle Royale formula by enabling respawns and allowing Operators to use their Loadouts right from the start.
Work with your squad to raid Cash Registers, complete contracts, and eliminate enemy Operators to earn as much Cash as possible before time runs out. With multiple ways to spend your Cash to improve your arsenal, you’ll have to make the hard decision: Do you spend, or do you bank? Find out more about this mode with this overview here.

- Earn Season 03 Weapon Camos. Complete challenges to get not one, but two new Weapon Camos for every weapon category in the game.
- Two New Secondary Weapons, and one sharp projectile. Unload on your enemies with two new Handguns launching with the midseason update. Both are fully automatic for the ultimate close-quarters protection. Plus, the Throwing Star becomes a Lethal part of your arsenal.
- The Reaper Comes to Call of Duty. Arguably a G.O.A.T. at his own game, #35, KD — Kevin Durant — is dropping in to take over ours.
Season 03 Reloaded Trophy Hunt Camo Challenges

Like the last Reloaded update, Season 03 Reloaded will include a new event where players can unlock two new sets of weapon camouflage.
Complete one weapon category challenge to unlock a new camouflage for every weapon in that category. Complete all ten to earn another new camo for every weapon category, plus a special Weapon Charm that shows you mastered the Reloaded Trophy Hunt.
Here are all the challenges for this event:
- Assault Rifles: Get 250 Operator Kills
- Battle Rifles: Get 30 Headshot Operator Kills
- SMGs: Get 3 Operator Kills Without Dying 30 times
- Shotguns – Get 30 Hipfire Operator Kills
- LMGs: Get 50 Operator Kills While Mounted
- Marksman Rifles: Get 25 Longshot Operator Kills
- Sniper Rifles – Get 30 Longshot Operator Kills
- Sidearms: Get 50 Operator Kills
- Launcher – Get 40 Operator Kills
- Melee – Get 30 Operator Kills from Behind
If those challenges look familiar, you may want to look back at those standard weapon camo challenges and see where you can hit a collateral shot in knocking out multiple challenges at once…
Happy camo hunting!
New Weapons: FTAC Siege Handgun, GS Magna Handgun, Throwing Star (Lethal)
Season 03 Reloaded is bringing not one but two fully automatic Handguns with the highly customizable FTAC Siege and the high-caliber GS Magna. Plus, the Throwing Star becomes a Lethal part of your arsenal.
FTAC Siege

“Designed to be compact and maneuverable, this SMG has a jaw-dropping fire rate and rapid swap speed. A trusted secondary for up-close engagements.”
The FTAC Siege is a highly customizable, fully automatic machine pistol with a full suite of exciting new attachments. While it cannot be dual wielded like other sidearms (yet…), its gunsmithing options include drum magazines, numerous barrels that can either extend range or grant better mobility, SMG grade stocks, and an assortment of muzzles borrowed from the deep SMG pool of attachments.
Although it cannot be a true substitute to a Primary SMG, this fast-firing Secondary is a boon in close-quarters situations and can push the limits of a sidearm’s range.
How to unlock: Weapon Challenge — Get 50 Sidearm Hipfire Operator Kills using Handguns— or via Store Bundle.
GS Magna

“This fully automatic .50 GS boasts a thunderous rate of fire and enough power to put an end to anyone foolish enough to cross your path. Hold down the trigger and let this .50 Cal speak for itself.”
If the X13 Auto is good for mobility and the FTAC Siege’s strength is in versatility, this sidearm is built for raw power. This weapon uses the exact same cartridge and most attachments as the semi-automatic .50 GS, including the ability to go akimbo and absolutely pulverize enemies at close-range.
Be careful what you wish for, however: this great power comes with the responsibility of managing some incredibly high recoil. However, the Operators who can tame this beast of a sidearm will be handsomely rewarded with a secondary that can easily compete at extreme-close ranges.
How to unlock: Weapon Challenge — Get 30 Headshot Operator Kills using the .50 GS — or via Store Bundle.
Throwing Star

Players got a taste of the Throwing Star on Resurgence during Season 02. Now this Lethal offhand armament is available for all players, all the time. Faster, with a longer range and a higher stock than the Throwing Knife, the Throwing Star requires a quick doubletap to kill, or one well-placed star to the head. Victims also receive a wounding effect on all non-lethal impacts, giving a greater chance of success on a follow up hit. The perfect complement to a stealth loadout.
How to unlock: Weapon Challenge — Get 50 kills using a Throwing Knife.
Easy Money Sniper, Kevin Durant, Reports for Duty

“I like the challenge of trying to be in the moment. It’s not easy. We’re all built to want to look back or speed life up. But I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the future. It takes you away from the moment you’re in.” — Kevin Durant, 2015
His next chapter is here.
Kevin Durant — one of basketball’s greatest players of all time, whose MVP-caliber career continues into this year’s playoffs — will be immortalized in the 20-year Call of Duty franchise’s history as an official Operator.
Fit for a man who defined his own franchise IRL, KD will be available in a special, limited-time Store Bundle to be released with Season 03 Reloaded.
In addition to his Operator, the Bundle includes two Weapon Blueprints that reference his iconic nicknames: the “Reap This” AR Blueprint and the “Easy Money” Sniper Blueprint. Both Blueprints are built for the all-around Operator, just like how KD built himself up to be deadly all over the hardwood.

The Bundle also includes the “Deadly from Downtown” Finishing Move, the “B-Ball” Weapon Charm, the “Ankle-Breaker” Loading Screen, the “Hoops” Sticker, and the “KD Baller” Animated Emblem.
But that’s not all, the Slim Reaper is also coming to Call of Duty: Mobile during Season 4 – Veiled Uprising, beginning May 18 at 5PM PT to dunk on all the enemies.
Players can pick up the Kevin Durant-themed Draw for purchase, featuring his operator (KD Grim), a Legendary LAPA – No. 35 weapon, Swordfish weapon, Frame, Sickle, Emote, Muscle Car, Jetpack, Molotov Cocktail, Animated Avatar, and Calling Card.

Additionally, all Call of Duty: Mobile players can take part in the “Reaper Rumble” Themed Event and where players can earn KD Tokens through playing a variety of modes and then use those tokens to unlock a variety of KD-themed rewards such as a Razorback weapon, AK-47 weapon, Oden weapon, OTs 9 weapon, SKS weapon, Calling Card, Avatar, Sticker, and Crossbow weapon.
Throwback Pack: ’09 Weapon Audio Bundle

The ultimate taste of nostalgia is coming with Season 03 Reloaded.
The Throwback Pack: ’09 Weapon Audio Bundle will take you back to the O.G. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009), with two Weapon Blueprints — the “Good ’Ol Days” Assault Rifle and the “Lachmann Classic” SMG — complete with familiar attachments and retro-fitted audio from that Call of Duty era.
Need to reminisce some more? Use the “Classic Soap” Operator Skin, slap on the “Hacked” Emblem (the legit way this time), or look at some of the other included items to get that full taste of all-nighter, sugary-soda and cheesy-snack filled game sessions from the days of yore.

One of the other bundles worth highlighting is the latest installment in the VII series: VII: Wrath.
Rather than chuck that controller at the screen, direct that adrenaline into a bit of “Anger Management” — a new Weapon Blueprint for an LMG that complements the “Ire” Weapon Blueprint, also included in this Bundle, in an Overkill Loadout.
Become wrath personified with the “The Vengeful” Operator Skin for Ronin, and consider putting on the Charm, Sticker, and Emblem across your weapon or player profile to truly intimidate your opponents.
Expect more Bundles to drop during Season 03 Reloaded, including two that have been highly requested as a dream come true for some of our community’s finest…
Call of Duty League™ Team Packs 2023 and Championship Pack

The Call of Duty League recently refreshed its Team Packs just as the pro competition heats up before the Call of Duty League Championship Weekend kicks off June 15-18 (inside an air-conditioned venue) in the desert heat of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Rep your favorite team with a brand new team-designed weapon blueprint and signature accessory for each Call of Duty League team. Each 2023 Team Pack includes a team-themed weapon blueprint, a weapon charm and five signature stickers from players on that specific team’s roster.
Call of Duty League 2023 Championship Pack

That’s not the only Call of Duty League pack coming out in May!
Ahead of the Call of Duty League 2023 Championship Weekend, the Call of Duty League 2023 Championship Pack will be available in the Store. The pack is planned to be released on May 17.
This pack includes a new “King” Operator Skin for the official CDL Operator, a “Diamonds” Assault Rifle and “Rubies” Sniper Rifle Weapon Blueprints, as well as a collection of cosmetic items to show you are ready for the post-season.
Also, don’t forget: tickets are still on sale for the 2023 Call of Duty League Championship Weekend in Las Vegas going down June 15-18 at the Thomas & Mack Center UNLV. Get your tickets before they sell out!
Learn more about this event, including how to score tickets, here.

Be a part of the WSOW™ Rat Pack by picking up this new bundle:
Whether you’re a rat, sworn to exterminate them, or know the value of both rushing in and holding your position, this new bundle is built for those ready to keep up their momentum from the first WSOW Qualifier all the way through the entire 2023 season.
This Bundle includes the “Cheesy” Operator Skin, as well as two weapon blueprints that could do well in Battle Royale matches: the “Cheesin’” SMG and the “Spicy Meatballs” LMG. There are also a few other cosmetic items as well as a one-hour Double XP and a one-hour Double Weapon XP token included in the pack, which is plenty of time to level up those weapons and get well into the Prestige ranks.
Get MWII Ownership Benefits in Warzone 2.0

Purchase Modern Warfare II to get access to a ton of content across three modes, including the ability to unlock 14 exclusive Operators to use across both games, as well as other ways to quickly level up the available 30 Weapon Platforms and over 50 Weapons through Multiplayer and Special Ops.
Modern Warfare II owners also get Premium XP while playing Warzone 2.0 — at the end of each match, owners will receive additional XP on top of any XP that can be earned by all players.
Plus, as already mentioned, those who own Modern Warfare II will have access to all the content coming as part of the Season 03 Reloaded update, including Raid Episode 03.
Stay frosty.